Harry Potter!

I know I am a little late but the last book of the Harry Potter series is going to be 2 movies. The studio thought that there was too much information to try and cram in to one movie. So that should be really exciting and they are coming out only a few months apart. Hey, 2 is better than one in this case in more ways than one. First, we get the details. Secondly they make money. Finally, maybe those fans that are obsessed with the books will the get the fairy tale ending they desire to see in person. I am very glad about this and I would bet J.K is as well!

~ by Caly on March 14, 2008.

One Response to “Harry Potter!”

  1. I ♥ Harry Potter! I’m glad they’ve stretched Deathly Hallows into 2 movies!! 🙂
    Randomized Fodder

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